Friday, March 6, 2020

Chemistry Tutor - The Psychology of Scam Artists

Chemistry Tutor - The Psychology of Scam ArtistsAre you in need of a chemistry tutor in Portsmouth? You are not alone. Finding a good quality tutor in Portsmouth is hard work. Unfortunately there are some that try to take advantage of the hard working students by trying to scam them out of their money.I want to explain how I feel the teacher's responsibility should be towards the student. It seems very clear, even if the student did not understand the lecturer correctly, it was still his responsibility to make sure the students learn.What about the physics tutor? The guy just went and paid for a degree and went to teaching college on the off chance that he could sell it. He then proceeds to show up to teaching college, do the job, get the job and then sends the students to another university to get a degree, only to send them back to teaching college to get their education.Now this principal owner wants to be involved with the students and to share his knowledge with them but does no t want to take responsibility. It's not the parents fault for sending them away, but it should be the responsibility of the teacher.If you find a chemistry tutor in Portsmouth that's not part of the teaching community, please advise him or her that you will not pay if he or she does not act properly. If you see this, tell him or her that if they do not correct their actions immediately, you will pursue legal action against them.Science tutors do not teach science, they are just managers of all the classes. Some professors are afraid to stand up for what they know is right and so they try to take advantage of students by scaring them with questions like:'Can you read?' 'Yes'. 'But why do you do not speak English in class?'

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